• Select ‘road’ mode which will now transfer the
traction to the rear wheels.
The wheelchair’s motors are equipped with magnetic brakes which prevent the chair rolling
on its own when you are stopped. The engine brakes are automatically engaged when the
joystick is in a neutral position.
To push the wheelchair, disengage the magnetic brakes, a lever for which is found at the rear
of the main wheel engine.
4.3.1. Disengaging the engine brakes:
• Put the joystick in a neutral position and stop.
• Turn the right engine knob clockwise and the left
engine knob anti-clockwise.
In the disengaged state, the engine brakes are off. You must therefore
be careful that the chair does not move in an uncontrolled fashion if
the terrain is sloped.
Always remember to return the release levers to ‘in function’ after
being pushed.