• When you arrive at the top of the stairs the system
stops and beeps
• Make sure that you have arrived at the top of the
stairs and wheel protraction can be performed
without danger.
• The correct position corresponds with the alignment
of the rear wheel with the nose of the last step.
• If the chair is in this position you may authorise the
system to perform the operation by selecting ‘Yes’.
• An animation shows the rear wheels protracting
• Reverse
Exceptionally, if you are not on the upper landing (incorrect position),
select ‘No’. The rear wheel protraction will be performed when
necessary by selecting the rear wheels mode (see paragraph II obstacle
clearance in tracks mode)
For staircases where the gradient is inferior or
equal to 31°, the protraction of the rear wheels
completely avoids rocking the chair on arrival
at the upper landing. But for a staircase with a
steeper gradient you will feel a tipping back of a
few degrees. It is recommended to use the ramp
of the stairs where possible.
Are you at the top of the stairs ?
Exiting at the top of the stairs