Room Switcher Detailed Configuration Options
N7142 User Manual
Logs Page
Click the
link at the top of any of the main web pages to access the page shown in
. The
page displays a
command log that lists all TCP and UDP messages the unit receives. It also displays the web browser’s IP address and gives you
options to
. When in need of assistance from tech support, you can use the
Debug Log
section to capture
useful troubleshooting information. Simply click the
Start Debug Log
button, wait at least one minute, and click the
End Debug Log
button to create the file. You can then download and send it to AMX tech support.
FIG. 39
Logs Page
For security reasons, only use the Enable Maintenance Mode if instructed by AMX Technical Support. This selection only
appears in the secure version of the website (i.e., https).
NetLinx Page
Click the
link at the top of any of the main web pages to access the page shown in
. This page allows you to prepare your N2400 for NetLinx-driven configuration. This is explained
NetLinx takes over the Serial port when active.
FIG. 40
NetLinx Page