The operation method
When the dispenser powers on, the whole screen of display board are checking the
field, display y.1ill show "9" "6" ''7" "1" and then will show the current date and time. It
is in the fueling mode automatically after 3-4seconds.
When the dispenser is standby model, the first line is the last fueling amount, the second
line is the last fueling volume, the third line is current set unit price.
a) Press "START" or take up the nozzle, the machine will dispense fuel.
b) Press "STOP" or put down the nozzle, the machine will stop working.
By pressing "START" to start working, then press "STOP" to stop the machine.
By taking up nozzle to start working, then put down the nozzle to stop the machine.
c) To lock the dispenser.
When standby, press
"SET/ " ",
then press "STOP" three times, the dispenser will be locked,
and it can't be operated.
Under locked situation , input password (123456), the machine will be un-locked, and
standby for fueling.
Fueling mode:
Fueling without preset
1. Press "Start" key or take up the nozzle to start fueling. The display will show current
dispensing volume, amount and unit price.
2. Put down the nozzle or press "Stop" key to stop fueling. The display will show finished
dispensed volume , amount and unit price.
Because of the display size limit, the max digits for volume and amount is
999.999.00 To make sure the dispensing data correctly, when the fueling digits reaches
999999.00L or 999999.00 amount, the machine will stop fueling automatically. Press
"START" key to re-start the machine.
Fueling with preset (VOLUME)
1. Press "LITER" key, then input the preset volume by press number keys of 0-9, (if input
the wrong number, press the "CLEAR/CANCEL" key. Decimal fraction should input
one-digit number or two-digit number after the decima point).)
2. Press "CONFIRM" key, the display will show the fueling volume. Press "START" or
take up the nozzle to start fueling. it will stop automatically after the preset number is