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Demo Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2019-Feb-26
│ 25
“Firmware User Code” is either one of
firmware examples, either the customers code or in case
of chips with
firmware (TDC-GP30-F01) the open source part. The FW Data 1 and 2 include
firmware relevant coefficients and the configuration. The figure below shows an example for anTDC-
GP30-F01 application. As free part of the user code firmware GP30Y_A1.D2.11.04.hex is loaded. For
the configuration and flow calculation data file GP30Y_A1.A2.11.04.dat is loaded.
Figure 25:
Firmware Download
With “Check Status Flag”, the watchdog and the lock state of the GP30 can be checked. Please
make sure that the watchdog is disabled before starting a download or other transactions in this
In the “Firmware User Code” section, a firmware user code file (*.hex), which is typically
generated by the assembler tool and intended for the user part of 4kx8 Program NVRAM, can
be loaded by pressing
“Open File”.
In the “Firmware Data” section, a firmware data file (*.dat), which is intended for the 128x32
Data NVRAM, can be loaded by pressing
“Open File”. This section also contains some
additional transfer options from GUI to FW Data 2 fields and from GP30 back to FW Data 2
fields. The configuration can exchanged between the GUI of the evaluation file and the data file.
Calibration can also be exchanged between GUI and data file.
By pressing “Download FW Code & Data” both files are stored in the corresponding NVRAMs.
This action takes a few seconds. After the download, both files are located in the volatile as well
in the non-volatile part of the appropriate NVRAMs. The download can be combined with a lock
option of the firmware.
When pressing “Download FW Code & Data” any running firmware program is stopped. If a new
proper auto running firmware program is downloaded, this firmware can be started again by
performing a system reset. A select box allows to reset and restart measurement automatically
after download.