Always dry fit parts first
Align parts carefully
1- Using 3/8sq balsa and 3/8 X 3/4 balsa stick, make the sides of the hatch
2- With a piece of 1/4 balsa, make the top of the hatch
3- Shape using F1 and front turtledeck as reference.
4- Fill any cavity with balsa filler and sand to shape
5- Drill a hole for 6-32 SHCS using F28 as jig
6- Use F28 hole as a reference and drill through balsa top. Enlarge hole up to
F28A to fit with #6 washer and 6-32 SHCS as shown.
1/4 balsa
3/8 balsa sticks pieces
Both sides
½ dia hole
up to F28A
6-32 SHCS
#6 washer