* When mounting a speedy, ensure that it is not positioned in an area where the belt will rub while
running, or in start up, or shut down.
* The Little Speedy should be located between 1/8” and 3/8” from the the target on the tail pulley of
the belt.
* For adjustment use only 1/2” wrench, screwdriver, and a Multimeter. Never force the
Little Speedy into a location.
* Little Speedy’s Output should be set to 4 mA in the Off Condition.
* If the Little Speedy’s Output in the off condition is not 4 mA, it can be adjusted to 4 mA by rotating
Zero Adjustment
* Little Speedy’s Output should be set to 12 mA at Normal Operation.
* Little Speedy’s Output is adjusted by rotating the
Span Adjustment.
For Mac Software:
1. In the MAC software press return till the Main Menu appears, then select “Configuration” and
press Enter.
2. Select “Remotes” and press Enter. Then select the Remote addressed to the “Little Speedy” to
be calibrated. Select “Analog” and press Enter.
3. Ensure the desired channel is enabled so that it can read the “Little Speedy”. Then type in the
device to be monitored for “Analog Label”.
4. Type in FPT “Feet per Minute” for “Unit”
5. Select “Cal” and press Enter. This is the Calibration Section for this analog channel.
6. With the Belt or Device “off”, type in “0” for “Calibrate Gain to Obtain”. Select “Calibrate
Zero” and press Enter to calibrate the “Little Speedy” for the ‘off’ condition.
7. Now, measure the movement the Belt or Device move per minute in it’s normal
Type that value in “Calibrate Gain to Obtain” and Select ‘Calibrate Span” and press
“Enter” with the Belt or Device operating under the same condition as the measurement was
8. Now that the “Little Speedy” has been calibrated, the limits can be set. Select “Return” and
press Enter. Select “ Lim” and press Enter.
9. In the Dual Setpoints the “Low Limit” represents a warning condition. The “High Limit”
is the alarm condition.
10. The Dual Setpoint can be changed by Selecting it and pressing Enter. When “window” appears,
it means, that if the “Little Speedy” value is within the “Low” and “High” Limit it is working
properly. If the “Little Speedy” reads below the “Low Limit” or above the “High Limit” an
alarm condition will exist.
For Quarry Software:
1. Press “R” till the Main Menu Appears, Then select Configuration.
2. Select “Slave / Remote”.
3. Move the asterisk to the Address associated with the “Little Speedy” and press “E”.
4. If the Address is not configured properly press “1” to toggle the Address between Remote or
5. Select Analog, move the asterisk to the correct channel, and press “E”.
6. Change the “Gain Value” till the Channel Value is equal to the measured feet per minute value
the “Little Speedy” is monitoring. Values can be changed in tenths.
7. Move the asterisk to the “Upper Trip” and press “E” to erase the old value, type in the new value
and press “R” to set that value. Repeat this process for the “Lower Trip”.
8. Press “R” till the Main Menu Appears then Save Configuration.