4) Press the up (or down) arrow button momentarily while press-and-hold the HOLD
button to search throughout the turning points (max, min, max, min, …etc) of the
logged data. The LCD annunciator “MAX” or “MIN” will be flashing to indicate a
downward or upward turning point.
Press the “timer” button momentarily to display the selected sampling speed in the
unit of second. Factory default t0.05 means sampling speed is 0.05 second. Press the
up (or down) arrow button momentarily to select a different sampling speed from 0.05s
(0.2s for
F &
, 0.4s for Hz, and 1s for Cx), 1s, 20s, 40s, 60s, 120s, 240s, up to
the slowest 480s. Then press the “timer” button momentarily again to confirm the new
1) The timer can not be set when the data logging is running. Please set the timer
before starting the data logging, or pause the data if you want to alter the timer setting
during data logging.
2) When a sampling speed of 20s or longer is selected, approximately 4.5 minutes after
data logging is started, the meter will intelligently enter a Sleep-and-Log standby mode
between data logging measurements. Only a swinging bar-graph pointer will be
displayed on the LCD. The meter power consumption will be decreased to approx. 1/30
of the normal mode. Press the SELECT button momentarily can wake up the meter to
see real time measurements again.