Saving Files Directly Into SD Card
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MR1300 allows various format of files for playback, such as MP3, WMA and etc. Saving a high quality of audio
format, such as MP3 would produce better sound output,especially for music files.
As currently MR1300 only peform PCM coding for direct recording, we recommend that music file to be directly
stored into the SD card, in order to obtain a reasonable quality of audio output.
Slot for SD Card at the
rear of the unit
A few simple steps to save files into SD Card :
1. Insert a SD card provided into Card Reader which is connected to
your PC via USB port.
2. From source window, drag the audio file to destination window with
SD card. Repeat for other files
3. Rename the transferred files to enable it to be recognised by the
Message Recorder.
Note :
MR1300 only recognise the first 3 digits of the file name, such as M01,
M02 and so forth. Other extensions can be used as reference. Thereby
any file name must be renamed according to the message location.