For this section, the adjustments discussed below will affect both ALARMS and
be set
independently for each ALARM.
a) Set the ALARM BYPASS. Use the UP and DOWN
ARROWS to set the duration of your ALARM BYPASS
*This is a helpful feature during a routine sensor
calibration so that you do not set off alarm devices.
*This feature disables both ALARMS and ANALOG
OUTPUTS for those of you using the analog output
for control..
Step 5: Setup of the Controls for Both Alarms
b) Click on the drop-down menu and set the ALARM
relay contacts to LATCHING or NONLATCHING.
-If set to NONLATCHING, the relay contacts will
energize when the measurement readings exceeds
the ALARM SETPOINTS and then de-energize
when the measurement readings drop below the
- If this is set to LATCHING, the relay contacts will
energize when the measurement readings exceeds
the ALARM SETPOINTS but also remain engaged
when the reading drops below the ALARM
SETPOINTS. A person will have to press the
ALARM HOLDOFF Button for 1 second on the front
panel of the Analyzer to disengage the relay contacts.
c) Click on the drop-down menu and set the ALARMS to
- If set to FAILSAFE, the ALARMS will trigger if
the power supplied to the Analyzer drops below
8.5V. However, the ALARMS will not clear until the
power moves back up and exceeds 12V.
- If set to NONFAILSAFE, the ALARMS will not
trigger if the power supplied to the Analyzer drops
below 8.5V.