The NSG 3150 is suitable for perform surge impulses up to 15 kV There are many surge applications
where the NSG 3150 is suitable with using auxiliary equipment that is rated for lower surge voltages.
When using accessories rated for lower surge impulse voltages, the user is
responsible not to test with higher voltages than the used equipment is rated.
14.1 PC software
WIN 3000
WIN 3000 remote software is a comprehensive program designed to create test libraries for the surge
/ burst, PQT, magnetic field and SOW tests that can be performed with Teseq’s NSG 3000 generator
series and its accessories.
WIN 3000 comes on a CD-ROM included in each NSG package or can be downloaded from the
Teseq web site. Insert the CD-ROM and double click on setup. exe and follow the instructions on the
The required communication cable (Crossover S-FTP cable) is part of the delivery.
All required documentation is available on the CD-ROM in PDF fi le format.
Consult first the document “Software Version History Vx.yz”, to verify which FW and SUI version you
may need to install for a proper function of the generator. WIN 3000 requires always the
corresponding FW and SUI software.
The proper FW and SUI software are on the WIN 3000 installation disk or can be downloaded from
the Teseq website.
WIN 3000 features a free 30 days license of the professional version WIN 3000- SRD.
WIN 3000-SDR
The extensio
n “SDR” stands for “Sequences” – “Dialogs” – “Reports”
WIN 3000-SDR is the professional version of PC Software for NSG 3xxx series. It features the basic
settings possibilities of WIN 3000, inclusive parameter ramping, stepping, etc.
… and includes
Test library covering most of basic and generic standards.
Test sequencer
Real time report facility in MS-Word
Dialogs facility with the user
WIN 3000 and NSG 3000 series can run via a LAN connection.
A Win 3000 software license is always valid for a specific NSG 3xxx instrument.
Nevertheless, the Software can be installed on an unlimited number of computers since the dongle is
the NSG 3xxx instrument itself.