Setting Up the Machine and Hardware
LD Series Operation Manual
AMETEK produces a range of Lloyd Instruments machines that can be mounted on specially designed frames that can be used for testing a wide range of
bulky items such as cardboard cartons, crates, and furniture.
Machines configured with the POGO option have a linear bearing fitted in a fixed lower crosshead. A rod running through the crosshead connects the load
cell and compression platens which are mounted in the frame below the material testing machine.
Typical installation of an LD Series on a Pogo.
Preparing the LD Series for Pogo Testing
Since the size and specifications of Pogo mounting frames will vary depending on individual customer requirements, the following is a general proce-
dure for preparing the LD Series for Pogo testing. Refer to the instructions for set up and wiring supplied with your individual mounting frame.
To Prepare the LD Series for Pogo Testing
Position the Pogo mounting frame.
Fit the frame mounting plates to the LD Series.
To avoid damage to the equipment and/or possible injury, AMETEK recommends that the fitting of the supplied frame mounting plates be
carried out by a Lloyd Instruments appointed commissioning engineer, trained to suit the requirements and needs of the customer.