User Guide
Landcal Blackbody Source
Type R1200P
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1 Landcal Blackbody Source Type R1200P
1.1 Introduction
The LANDCAL blackbody type R1200P provides a temperature source for the on-
site or in-laboratory calibration of radiation thermometers up to a temperature
of 1200°C/2200°F. The source has been designed primarily for the calibration
of short wavelength thermometers (Silicon Cell and Germanium detectors)
but it can also be used for thermometers fitted with other types of detectors.
However, when the calibration of longer wavelength thermometers are checked
it is recommended that the calibration by comparison method is adopted.
Calibration is made by comparing the output from the thermometer under test
with the target temperature.
The target temperature can be measured in 3 ways:
1) If traceability to national standards is not required, a check on the
thermometer can be conducted by using the 'target' indication. From
previous work, the target indication temperature has been found to agree
with the radiance temperature to within ±10°C at short wavelengths.
2) The temperature of the target can be measured by using a radiation
thermometer of similar detector and optical characteristics, the calibration
of which is traceable to national standards. This method of calibration
can be described as calibration by comparison with a standard radiation
3) Prior to supply, the relationship between the indicated target temperature
and the true radiance temperature, as measured by a secondary standard
radiation thermometer, will have been determined and reported in a
traceable calibration certificate for the source. The temperature of the
target is measured using the ‘target’ indicator and corrected for any errors
as reported in the certificate.
A UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) Certificate of Calibration
is available from LAND Instruments for either the source or the radiation