Installation and Programming Manual
Chapter 4: Programming
4.6: Analog Outputs
The Analog Output board provides two channels of analog output that can be independently
confi gured and scaled. Each channel can be confi gured for an output based upon position or
velocity. Velocity will be RPM if the sensor is a resolver or inches/mm per second if the input
sensor is an LDT. The two channels of analog output allows you to confi gure one analog
output to be based on position while the other channel provides a simultaneous indication of
Each of the two analog output channels generate a simultaneous voltage and current output. You
can use either the current or voltage output on one channel but not both.
The following programming sequences require that you specify your intent to use either the
voltage or current output for each channel prior to programming the output scaling. You can
confi gure one analog channel for use of its voltage output and confi gure the other channel for
The analog output board will be factory installed in slot 2 or slot 4 of the Series 2120 module’s
chassis. Look at the back of your Series 2120 module and verify which slot your analog output
board has been installed in. The following programming function numbers are shown with an
“X” as the fi rst digit. The “X” must be replaced with the number 2 or 4 which corresponds to the
slot in which your analog output board was installed at the factory.
Boards cannot be changed from their factory supplied slot location in the fi eld.
It is recommended that you confi gure and program the analog output in the following sequence.
Perform all programming steps for one output channel before proceeding to the other output
Analog Output Channel 1
1. Select the function key.
The monitor displays “F-----”
2. Enter function number X01. Select the enter key.
The monitor displays the current function value.
0 = position
1 = velocity
3. Leave current value or change. Select enter key.
0 or 1
A) Select analog output based on position or velocity
Spec Tech Industrial Electric
Spec Tech Industrial Electric