Installation and Programming Manual
Chapter 4: Programming
There are two input cards available for use with LDTs.
1. Specifi ed as option V1 in the part number and is labeled (FMIP01) on the card.
2. Specifi ed as option L1 in the part number and is labeled (FMIP02) on the card.
The confi guration of the system is different depending on which module you have ordered.
Determine which module you have and proceed to the section below for programming
Option V1
- This module can only be used with Gemco LDTs with a part number starting
with 951VP1992 or 951VP2110.
Wire speed and recirculations for these LDTs have been confi gured at the factory for maximum
Always refer to the LDT legend plate for programming wire speed (Function 300). The
wire speed will always be between 500.000 and 600.000 micro sec./inch.
Option L1
- This module is designed to be used with any LDT with digital output. These
include Series 951, 952 with VP, RS or CP outputs.
This module provides faster updates of position while using the LDT with standard wire speeds.
Enter Desired
21. Enter desired Reset Value. Select the enter key.
If 301 is set to 0, the Reset Value must be less than the Scale Factor.
4.2: LDT Confi guration Functions
Review the LDT legend plate for correct wire speed. Wire speed will always be
between 8.000 and 10.000 micro sec./inch.
If option L1 is used, the fi rst step in confi guration must be Function 307 (LDT Type),
which tells the module which LDT is being used.
Before an LDT confi guration function can be programmed, the Interface Module must
be in program mode. To put the monitor in program mode, see Program Mode Access
in Section 4.7: Program and Supervisory Mode Functions.
Spec Tech Industrial Electric
Spec Tech Industrial Electric