Quick start guide - Conducted
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Figure 69 - Setup for surge test to shielded datalines
The surge current on the cable shield can be very high and is limited by the 2
Ω generator
impedance. To use the SPN 508N1
protection device will protect the AE port side and all connected devices.
The surge coupling voltage and current to the lines depends
on the impedance connected at the HSC 4-8 AE port.
In case of a short circuit as shown in figure 5.4, the coupling
to the lines is nearly 1:1 and a current wave 8/20us appears.
Is the at the AE Port a high impedance (open circuit), an
impulse waveshape 1.2/50us appears at the EUT Port
Figure 70 - HSC 4-8 with Short circuit at the AE port