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To Get the Most From Your Equipment

may seem cool but it is also
moisture-laden. This increases
the work your system must do
the next day.

6. Don’t block supply and

return registers with furniture
or drapes. 
— Don’t let shrubs,
vines, or fences block air
intake and/or discharge on
condenser unit outside. Don’t
put a lamp, TV or radio too
near your thermostat.

7. Don’t try to operate unit if

there is any indication of a
— Turn the
system “OFF” at the
thermostat immediately, and
call your serviceman.
Indications of malfunction
include: no cooling, short
cycling of compressor or
motors, and unusual system

1. Do use filters — Clean or

replace filters monthly. (Note:
turn off all electrical power to
unit and turn thermostat to OFF
position before you start).

Follow a Few Basic Rules:

1. Don’t be a “thermostat

jiggler.” — Set the thermostat
at the desired temperature and
forget it. Frequent changing
upsets temperature and
humidity control and may
increase operating cost.

2. Don’t set the thermostat too

low for cooling or too high for
— The greater the
difference between the
outdoor and indoor
 — the greater the
operating cost.

3. Don’t turn the system off just

because you’ll be away for a
day or two. 
— It takes quite a
while to restore comfort — but
costs relatively little to maintain.

4. Don’t be concerned if your

air conditioning unit operates
after sundown. 
— Heat stored
in the roof and walls is still
there. On exceptionally hot
days, expect your unit to work

5. Don’t open windows after

dark. — The summer night air
