8200-0421-19, REV. A
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EASY CPU Compatibility
The new version of the EASY CPU software will support both the old production and new production
versions of:
MegaPower CPU (ADMPCPU) firmware. However, V2.0 enhancements will not be available with older
versions of MPCPU.
EASY CPU software; however the enhanced features cannot be configured.
Non production versions refer to software or firmware versions never released into production and shipped
with full production MegaPower 3200 systems.
Release 2.0 features were developed to enhance the product; therefore, users should be encouraged
convert to new versions of both ADMPCPU and EASY CPU. However, since this issue is complex, the
following bullet points cover all combinations of old and new EASY CPU and ADMPCPU versions:
1. EASY CPU 1.0 through 1.3 supports:
All previous production versions of ADMPCPU.
Versions previous to Release 2.0 will operate as they currently do; however, users will need to
upgrade to Release 2.0 or greater to obtain new features.
Production version 2.00 of the ADMPCPU.
- The new features of Release 2.0 that require configuration cannot be enabled, and users will need to
upgrade to EASY CPU to obtain Release 2.0 features.
- ADMPCPU V2.00 can read and store V1.00 format configuration files. Therefore it will handle
configuration values that are new and therefore missing or have different orders or meanings.
- The main reason for this is the ADMPCPU firmware may be converted from V1.00 to V2.00 before
new configuration data is written. Therefore the V2.00 ADMPCPU needs to operate with V1.00
configuration data.
2. EASY CPU 2.0 supports:
Previous production versions of ADMPCPU.
Version 1.00 format of configuration files.
Users can use the V2.00 Easy CPU to maintain configuration files for ADMPCPU units previous to
V2.00 firmware.
Configuration files generated by Release 2.0 EASY CPU have new and modified data features that are
not contained in previous configuration.
Older formatted files are now designated V1.00 format configuration files. EASY CPU V1.00 files will
be compatible with ADMPCPU firmware previous to V2.00.
The new configuration file format will be tagged as V2.00 files, and will be only compatible with
Cannot create a V1.00 file from File => New. EASY CPU V2.00 can only “Open” or “Read” existing
V1.00 files.