Chapter 7 — Special Applications
The Simplex provides two methods of remote control, a Re-
mote Control Panel option, or using an ASCII terminal or com-
puter to send RS-232 data. Both methods use the rear panel
remote in
remote out
Remote Control Panel
A Remote Control Panel option is available for the Simplex. It
consists of a front panel assembly, a desktop stand, rack mount
brackets, and a 50 foot cable. Remote panel operation is iden-
tical to that of the local panel and control can be exercised from
either panel.
Up to 16 Simplex units can be daisy chained to a Remote Con-
trol Panel, but only one Simplex can be controlled at a time.
You can change which Simplex you control by pressing FUNC-
TION and CALL on the Remote Control Panel. When the 16
LEDs above the CAMERA buttons on the Remote Panel light,
press the CAMERA button for the next Simplex to control. The
CAMERA button numbers are used in the same order as the
Simplex units are connected to the Remote Control Panel. If
you press CAMERA 16, you select the 16th connected Simplex.
For details see
Operating the Panel
in the
Remote Control Panel
For more information about this option, contact your dealer or
Factory Technical Support.