American Audio
- www.AmericanAudio.us - DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 11
USB audio Interface
Use of the DV2 USB audio interface can be used in several modes to mix computer audio from
media player software. You may use the DV2 as your default sound card, or in the media player
options set the mixer as the speaker output for the desired media player.
Note: Some media play-
ers may not have this option. Most commonly the USB audio interface may be used with one of
the many DJ software programs that are available for computers. American Audio has provided
software to get you started.
aSIO DrIVer InStaLLatIOn:
Most Windows based computer systems will not support multiple channel USB audio routing. Asio
drivers are necessary to support multiple sets of stereo outputs. Enclosed with the provided soft-
ware CD you will find Asio driver installation software for 32 and 64 bit operating systems. The Asio
drive can also be downloaded directly by visiting DV2 product page at www.adjaudio.com.
Mac users do not need ASIO drivers. Multiple channel streams are supported with core Audio.
The DV2 is equipped with a built-in 4 in/4 out USB audio interface to integrate the use of the ever
growing popularity of DJ software, Digital Vinyl systems, Media Players, or Production software into
your mix.
eXternaL aUDIO rOUtInG:
With the MIDI turned “Off” on the DV2, channel 1 will receive the audio that is assigned to USB
channels 1 & 2. Channel 2 will receive the audio that is assigned to USB channels 3 & 4. Note: Not
all software supports this set up, check the audio routing under your software options.
The RCA inputs are routed to the USB inputs. The signal sent to the USB is dependent of the Source
Selector Switch. To allow the use of the DVS software when the source select switch is set to USB,
the RCA Phono/Aux inputs are routed to the USB inputs, this allows you to route the RCA input sig-
nals through software and layer them with your favorite software FX.
To record with DAW software for sampling, the USB input will route the selected source to the soft-
ware USB input. Check your software manual to set up the DV2 as the input source for recording.
Note: When recording a RCA Phono/Aux can be monitored thru the USB setting. Do not make
adjustments to the Gain or EQ of the channel when auditioning audio, this will affect record levels.
Recording levels should be set to the desired level beforehand.
MIDI anD InternaL aUDIO rOUtInG:
When MIDI is enabled on the DV2 the USB Audio is routed to function with software that supports
MIDI and requires internal audio routing. This mode will route the sound from your software, and
the volume levels will be controlled via the MIDI parameter on the MIDI controls. The headphones
become USB channel dependent make sure to assign Asio/Core channels 3 & 4 to your software’s
headphone output.
Please visit www.adjaudio.com for MIDI mapping.