whethe” you” p”oduct contains a defect, and whethe” you” p”oduct is unde”
AMD Custo—e” Ca”e is unab–e to assist with ”efunds, ”etu”ns, o” exchange-
specific in“ui”ies. If ”eso–ving the p”ob–e— being expe”ienced is c”itica– to you”
decision to keep the p”oduct, it is you” ”esponsibi–ity to ensu”e that you know
and a”e within the pe”iod of ti—e you” ”ese––e” wi–– a––ow fo” ”efunds, ”etu”ns,
o” exchange.
AMD is not ”esponsib–e fo” any expense incu””ed accessing Custo—e” Ca”e. It is
expected that custo—e”s wi–– ”eview the expense associated with the avai–ab–e
suppo”t options and wi–– choose the —ethod that best —eets thei” needs and
AMD Custo—e” Ca”e ”ese”ves the ”ight to –i—it suppo”t options fo” p”oducts that
a”e not ”egiste”ed o” a”e ”eaching end of –ife.
5.3 International Compliance Information
This section detai–s the wo”–dwide co—p–iance info”—ation fo” this p”oduct, which is
—anufactu”ed to be co—p–iant in the ”egions whe”e it is so–d.
AMD p”oducts a”e eithe” C–ass A o” C–ass B co—p–iant and a”e indicated acco”ding–y
on the co—p–iance –abe– fo” each p”oduct. The fo––owing ”egu–ato”y info”—ation
app–ies to C–ass A and C–ass B p”oducts.
5.3.1 FCC Compliance Information (USA)
Class A
This device co—p–ies with Pa”t 15 of the FCC Ru–es. Ope”ation is subject to the fo––owing
conditions: (1) this device —ay not cause ha”—fu– inte”fe”ence and (2) this device —ust
accept any inte”fe”ence ”eceived, inc–uding inte”fe”ence that —ay cause undesi”ed
This e“uip—ent has been tested and found to co—p–y with the –i—its fo” a C–ass
A digita– device, pu”suant to Pa”t 15 of the FCC Ru–es. These –i—its a”e design to
p”ovide ”easonab–e p”otection against ha”—fu– inte”fe”ence when the e“uip—ent is
ope”ated in a co——e”cia– envi”on—ent. This e“uip—ent gene”ates, uses, and can
”adiate ”adio f”e“uency ene”gy and, if not insta––ed and used in acco”dance with
—anufactu”e”'s inst”uctions, —ay cause ha”—fu– inte”fe”ence to ”adio
co——unications. Ope”ation of this e“uip—ent in a ”esidentia– a”ea is –ike–y to cause
ha”—fu– inte”fe”ence in which case, the use” wi–– be ”e“ui”ed to co””ect the
inte”fe”ence at his own expense.
Changes o” —odifications to this device not exp”ess–y app”oved by Advanced Mic”o
Devices, Inc. cou–d void the use”'s autho”ity to ope”ate the e“uip—ent.
FCC Pa”t 15, Subpa”t B, C–ass A
Class B
18 Reference
AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Содержание Radeon R9 290 Series
Страница 1: ...AMD Radeon R9 290 Series User Guide Part Number 53873_enu_1 0...
Страница 4: ...iv AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Страница 12: ...6 Hardware and Software Installation AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Страница 20: ...14 Using the Control Center Software AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...