Tu”n off the on-boa”d video.
Insta–– a diffe”ent g”aphics ca”d. If the”e a”e no disp–ay issues, then the g”aphics
ca”d in “uestion —ay be defective.
If you” —othe”boa”d has on-boa”d g”aphics capabi–ities, you —ay need to disab–e
the—. Consu–t you” —othe”boa”d docu—entation fo” —o”e info”—ation.
So—e —anufactu”e”s do not a––ow the on-boa”d g”aphics to be disab–ed o” to
beco—e the seconda”y disp–ay.
Fo” —o”e t”oub–eshooting tips, see know–edgebase a”tic–e
: How to
Troubleshoot No Display on Re-start Issues
. The computer does not boot up properly.
Ve”ify that the insta––ation inst”uctions we”e fo––owed co””ect–y.
Make ce”tain that the g”aphics ca”d is p”ope”–y connected to the powe” supp–y and
the —othe”boa”d.
Fo” Windows® ope”ating syste—s, ”esta”t you” syste— in Safe Mode. Use Windows
Device Manage” to ”e—ove any g”aphics d”ive” ent”ies unde”
Display Adapters
”esta”t you” syste—.
Check the syste— configu”ation uti–ity fo” inte””upt assign—ents. During software installation on a Windows® OS, the screen goes blank.
The softwa”e is sti–– insta––ing. Wait 20 30 —inutes to —ake su”e the softwa”e has
finished insta––ing and then ”esta”t the co—pute”.
5.1.2 HDTV Adapter Troubleshooting
The fo––owing t”oub–eshooting tips —ay he–p if you expe”ience p”ob–e—s with HDTV.
Mo”e t”oub–eshooting info”—ation can be found on the AMD Web site. P–ease visit There is a black border around the TV when using an HDMI™ connection.
T”y adjusting the ove”scan/unde”scan of the TV. Fo” —o”e info”—ation, see
know–edgebase a”tic–e
: Unable to Adjust a Digital Display to Match the
Resolution of the Desktop
. There is no display on the TV.
The TV wi–– not disp–ay anything unti– Windows sta”ts; this —ay take seve”a– —inutes.
Make su”e the TV is set to YPbP” input. DVDs will not play in high-quality modes.
Fo” disp–ays connected using an ana–og connection, p–ayback of CSS-p”otected DVDs
—ay be ”est”icted to ce”tain —odes.
Fo” disp–ays connected using a digita– connection, p–ayback on ce”tain DVD p–aye”s
—ay a–so be ”est”icted if HDCP (high-bandwidth content p”otection) cannot be enab–ed.
This ”est”iction a–so app–ies to disp–ays connected using active Disp–ayPo”t adapte”s.
16 Reference
AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Содержание Radeon R9 290 Series
Страница 1: ...AMD Radeon R9 290 Series User Guide Part Number 53873_enu_1 0...
Страница 4: ...iv AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Страница 12: ...6 Hardware and Software Installation AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...
Страница 20: ...14 Using the Control Center Software AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...