Click the Create Alert button. This will permit you to create a custom alert.
Alert Details
Alert Name – This field allows the user to name this alert.
Priority – This field allows the user to designate a priority for this alert. High priority alerts will ‘pop up’ and sound a siren where they
are triggered. Click ‘Action’ on the High Priority Alert dialog box to open alert details. High priority alerts cannot be dismissed
without a comment added to the alert. If you do not wish to dismiss the alert, but want to mute the siren, simply click the
megaphone icon and siren notifications for that alert will be disabled.
Alert Criteria
Select Asset – This field allows the user to select which asset group or asset(s) to create a custom alert for.
Select Alert Trigger – This field allows the user to select what should cause the alert. There are many alert triggers that can be
selected, such as entering or exiting a zone, speeding, starting/ending a trip, or triggering an event.
Select Optional Time Periods – This field allows the user to select an optional time period (dates and times). If a time period isn’t
selected, then the event applies at all times.
Other Criteria – This field allows the user to select additional criteria to use for the alarm.
Who to Notify
This field allows the user to select who should be notified, and how they should be notified when an alert is triggered. Either SMS or
Email alerts can be sent to specific people.