certificate: using auto-enrollment, importing a certificate file, and using
Internet Explorer and web enrollment to request a certificate from a
Certificate Authority (CA). Consult with your network administrator for
instructions. For more information, please refer to
Web enrollment on Windows 2000/2003 uses ActiveX, which is only
supported by desktop Windows versions. Microsoft has come up with the
following solution for Pocket PC: a separate ENROLL program for PPC which
sends a certificate request to the webserver and retrieves the certificate from
it after the CA has issued it. The procedure is as follows:
A. Download the ENROLL program form PDA manufacturer Web site.
B. Make an active connection between your Pocket PC and host PC. Use
ActiveSync and a serial/USB/Ethernet cable or cradle.
C. Use
My Computer
Windows Explorer
to access your
Mobile Device
and copy the ENROLL.EXE and ENROLL.CFG into the
MY Documents
folder of the Pocket PC.
D. Edit the ENROLL.CFG file: change the server address and enter Windows
2000/2003's server name/IP address. Also enter the name and password
of the user account on the Windows 2000/2003 server (will be sent
unencrypted (!) over the network so that the rightful owner obtains the
E. Run