AMB2300 manual V2.3
Released: 28.01.2010
distance of 8mm to any ground, strip line or component. Most suitable is to place the antenna at
the margin of the motherboard.
Figure 5
Antenna layout
Caution: The AMB2300 is not isolated on the bottom side, so even if there are
normally no short circuit problems because of the solder resist, an isolation should
be placed between AMB2300 and motherboard in case of any copper on the top side
of the motherboard underneath the AMB2300.
3.2 Power supply
For a reliable operation of the module, the power supply has to be provided with a slew rate
over 3V per 500 microseconds. Take care of having no voltage on any pin until the power
supply is turned on properly (Tip: Pay attention to remaining charges of smoothing capacitors).
3.3 Soldering & Reflow
On demand there are taped– automatic assembly – and vacuum sealed – reflow
solderable – components available.
The temperature curve depends on the motherboard its character, like the number and
conditioning of parts, etc. Please ask your manufactor.
Depending on the limit values of the components following limits are not allowed to
260°C max. 40s (LMX)