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Released: Nov.2013
For the configuration of the data rate via the registers
the PC-
program „ACC“ should be used. This, besides the standard baud
rates, also provides a dialog for the calculation of arbitrary baud rates.
The default baud rate of the module is 9600 baud.
The output of characters on the serial interface takes place with secondary priority. For this
reason, short interruptions may occur
the output of individual characters (e.g., in the
event of an interrupt request).
5.1.2 Supported Data Formats
The following data formats are supported:
8 bits
No, even, or odd parity
1 or 2 stop bits
In the ACC program the following data formats can be selected via drop-down menu:
8n1, 8o1, 8e1, 8n2, 8o2, 8e2.
Also in this case the data format can be set by directly configuring the respective
microprocessor registers. (see
The default data format is 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ("8n1").
5.2 SPI Interface
As an alternative to the UART interface, the module also offers an SPI interface (separate
firmware; in preparation).
6 Wireless M-Bus modes of operation
The module allows the free configuration of the wM-Bus modes of operation as described in the
Norm [1] as well as the relating parameters (channel, chip rate, preamble length, coding etc.)
Hereby it is poss
ible to refer to either a number of „presets“ (standard settings) or with the
selection of the respective configuration a flexible selection of the above mentioned parameters
can be made
The wM-Bus mode of operation is predefined by the parameter Mode_Preselect and my during
runtime be modified by the command
If the parameter Mode_Preselect is set to the value 0x0F the mode of operation can also be
changed via external connection (see chapter 11).
An overview of the available modes of operation with the configuration of the individual
parameters can be found in Table 17.
The following table displays the general relationship between the send and receive modes in
the wireless M-Bus as well as the respective settings for the parameter Mode_Preselect