<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
This binding shows that Product Advertising API uses two SOAP extensions: soap:operation and soap:body.
The soap:operation element specifies that the Product Advertising API operation,
, in this
case, is bound to a specific SOAP implementation. The soapAction attribute specifies that the SOAPAction
HTTP header is used to identify the Product Advertising API service, which is the URI value of soapAction,
. soapAction enables Amazon web servers to determine the intent of the SOAP
request without having to examine the message portion of the SOAP payload. Specifying this URI is
required to access Product Advertising API web servers.
The soap:body element specifies the input and output details. The value in the Product Advertising API
WSDL is "literal," which means that instead of encoding the input and output as a SOAP struct, a literal
XML document is used. You have seen that Product Advertising API responses are XML documents.
The Service segment of the WSDL specifies the web service used, which, in this case, is Product
Advertising API, as shown in the following WSDL snippet:
<service name="AWSECommerceService">
<port name="AWSECommerceServicePort"
<soap:address location= "http://soap.amazon.com/onca/soap?Service=
AWSECommerceService" />
This information changes very rarely and so you need not pay much attention to it.
Every Product Advertising API request includes this service declaration, as shown in the following example.
&Signature=[Request Signature]
WSDL Location
Product Advertising API publishes its API through its WSDL. You can find the latest WSDL at
The WSDL contains all the API endpoints. To select the required endpoint, see your SOAP framework.
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
What is a WSDL?