This response lists two different items (toy rockets), which are ordered by price. The same ASIN can be
offered for sale by multiple merchants and sellers. The
response group provides a summary of
the lowest price per condition. For example, the first item, B000BOWQWA, listed in the response is being
sold as "New" by three sellers (<TotalNew>3</TotalNew>). The lowest price of this item in New condition
is $2.10. No one is selling this item in Used, Collectible, or Refurbished condition.
All other Sort parameter values work in a similar way.
Shipping Options
Shipping options are generally spelled out in child elements of the OfferListing element. One such child
element is
, a boolean value that specifies whether an item is
eligible for super saver shipping. You cannot set this value; you can only use the value.
Returning Price and Availability Information
Returning Prices (p. 125)
Determining Availability (p. 131)
Previous chapters have shown how to find items and how to suggest additional items that a customer
might find interesting. Returning price and availability information is important for the customer.
Returning price and availability information is explained in the following sections.
Returning Prices
Offer Summaries (p. 126)
Returning All Offers (p. 127)
Returning More Information About the Offer (p. 127)
Providing Price Ranges for Product Categories (p. 127)
Items That Do Not Have Offers (p. 128)
Determining Parent Items (p. 128)
Returning Offers From Item Variations (p. 129)
Variation Dimensions (p. 130)
Items for sale on Amazon can be sold by more than one seller or merchant. For example, the same
camera might be sold by three different merchants or sellers. The following figure from Amazon's retail
web site shows an example in which two merchants are selling the same book.
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Shipping Options