Redback® Proudly Made In Australia
A 4510
Software Programming Guide
The last option for the output is the RELAY option, which when used has no audio output, but will activate the Bell and
Common 24V DC switched outputs.
The first event we will program we will label “PrebellMusic”. We will use this event to play a music track to notify students
that the first bell will sound soon and that they are to start making their way to their classrooms. Type in the label name, and
then enter the start time and duration the MP3 is to play.
NOTE: The start time is in 24 hour format.
NOTE: The durations for the Prebell, Bell, Music and Relay outputs can all be set to a default time (refer to section 4.0 for
more information).
We will select the output as the Prebell, so that when this event is activated the MP3 files in the “Prebell” folder of the SD
card will be played.
NOTE: If more than one MP3 file is in the Prebell folder, then each time this output is activated, a random MP3 audio file
(from the Prebell folder) will be played.
Enter all details and then press the “OK” button. The Event should now appear in the events list for the StandardDay group
as shown below in figure 12.
Fig 12
The Prebell has been programmed to start at 8:25 AM and play the MP3 file in the “Prebell” folder for five minutes.