(11). MONITOR LEVEL Control
This control adjusts the level of monitor output by a range of -
to +10dB.
12). MAIN LEVEL Control
By rotating this pot you'll simultaneously adjust the overall volume of the left and right main mix outputs in
to +10dB.
(13). PRESETS Control (DSP Section)
Adjust this knob to select the effect you wish to perform. There are 16 options available: several kinds of
reverb, mono and stereo delay, modulation effects, and versatile two-effect combinations.
(14). VARIATIONS Control
This control provides 16 variations for each preset, each variation has been designed modifying several
parameters. For further details, please refer to chapter 5.
(15). PEAK LED
This LED is lit when the DSP input signal is too strong. This LED is lit when the DSP is muted too.
(16). DSP MUTE Switch
This switch serves to activate/deactivate the built-in effect section. For your convenience you can also use
the FOOT SW for this operation.
(17). FOOT SW. Jack
This 1/4" phone jack can be used to connect an external foot-switch to turn on/off the built-in effect module.
This pot adjusts the internal/external effect from 0 to 10.
(19). AUX2 OUT
This 1/4" phone jack outputs AUX2 bus line signal.
This1/4" phone jack is used to return the signal of external unit to the main mix. You can also use it as
an extra auxiliary input.
These RCA connectors are useful to connect the output/input of a DAT, cassette or taper recorder.
(22). TAPE TO Switch
Pushing this switch to left, TAPE IN signal will be routed to CH7-8 path, so the signal will be controlled by
channel level control and main level control. Pushing this switch to right, the TAPE IN signal will be derectly
routed to main mix bus, and its signal will be affected by main level control only.
(23). 2TK IN Control
This pot adjusts the level of 2TK IN signal in -
to MAX range.
(24). MAIN OUT
left and right main mix. You can use these connectors to output the main mix
connectors output
signal to external PA system or active speakers.
This1/4" phone jack outputs the signal from MON (AUX1) bus to the input of external monitor amplifier
or active monitor speaker.
This1/4" stereo phone jack can be used to connect stereo headphones.
(27). PHANTOM Switch
Via this switch, you can turn on/off the +48V phantom power for all microphone pre-amps.