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2 Instructions for use of the Measuring Amplifier
The parameterizations, further information concerning the scaling as well as the customized
analogue output can be found on the additional sheet "Device-Configuration".
Since this amplifier is a highly sensitive measurement technology product, it must be used for its
intended use as well as the described operating conditions only. Initial start-up and changes in setup
and settings must be done by qualified personnel only. To prevent interventions / modifications
made by unauthorized personnel, suitable measures must be taken. Both function and calibration
must be checked regularly.
The amplifier must be operated with a separate power source used for measurement devices only.
Shielded cables, preferably twisted in pairs should be used only. The EMC-installation instructions
must be complied with.
The amplifier is contained in an aluminum housing which is equipped with an EMC- cover gasket as
well as EMC-cable glands. After initial start-up the lid is to be closed properly. Unused cable glands
must be closed with filler plugs.
The amplifier must be connected to clean ground-potential. Please refer to the EMC-Mounting-
Instructions in order to connect the sensor-shields correctly. To avoid possible potential equalization
currents over the shield of the cable to the following evaluation unit, this shield should be connected
over a suitable capacitor (10 nF / 200 V).
Overall the shield connections must be done properly to EMC-standards (as short as possible with
large wire cross-section) and connected to a central point (star grounding). In order to not increase
the disturbance sensitivity of the amplifier, all cables should be kept as short as possible and should
not be extended. Possible cable-bound interferences (i.e. noise) must be blocked very near the cable
ends (evaluation unit) by suitable measures.
If it is to be expected that the amplifier is, as example, cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner/ steam
jet, an additional protection shall be provided.
Changes of the amplifier of any kind demand for the explicit approval of Althen Mess- &
Sensortechnik GmbH. Changes of any kind done without that approval exclude all possible warranty
and/or liability of Althen Mess- & Sensortechnik GmbH.