Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EP5358xUI PowerSoC
Dynamic switching between a predefined output and an externally
programmed output is not allowed. This could result excess current flow and
damage the device.
Input and Output Capacitors
Input Filter Capacitor
For I
500mA, C
= 2.2uF
For I
> 500mA C
= 4.7uF.
0402 capacitor case size is acceptable.
The input capacitor must use a X5R or X7R or equivalent dielectric formulation.
Y5V or equivalent dielectric formulations lose capacitance with frequency, bias,
and with temperature, and are not suitable for switch-mode DC-DC converter
input filter applications.
Output Filter Capacitor
4.3V, C
= 10uF 0603 MLCC.
For VIN > 4.3V, C
= 10uF 0805 MLCC.
Ripple performance can be improved by using 2x10µF 0603 MLCC capacitors
(for any allowed VIN).
The maximum output filter capacitance next to the output pins of the device is
60µF low ESR MLCC capacitance. V
has to be sensed at the last output filter
capacitor next to the EP5358xUI.
Additional bulk capacitance for decoupling and bypass can be placed at the load
as long as there is sufficient separation between the V
Sense point and the
bulk capacitance.
Excess total capacitance on the output (Output Bulk) can cause an over-
current condition at startup. Refer to the section on Soft-Start for the maximum
total capacitance on the output.
The output capacitor must use a X5R or X7R or equivalent dielectric formulation.
Y5V or equivalent dielectric formulations lose capacitance with frequency, bias,
and temperature and are not suitable for switch-mode DC-DC converter output
filter applications.
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