AL2094S Designers Guide
Doc. No. DG_2094E
Altec Electronic AG
Seite 28 / 30
6.2.2 Power Supply [EN60950-1:2001, 1.6]
Before installing the Socket Modem in a host system, the installer must ensure that the
power drawn by the card, together with the host and any auxiliary cards drawing power from
the host, is within the rating of the host power supply unit.
The Socket Modem's power consumption is typically 0.25 W (+3.3 Vdc).
6.2.3 Clearances,
Creepage Distances and Distances through Insulation
[EN60950-1:2001, 2.10.3 and 2.10.4]
This card must be installed such that with the exception of the connections to the host,
clearance and creepage distances shown in the table below are maintained between
a) the TNV3 area of the card (the DAA) and conductive parts of other assemblies inside
the host,
b) if applicable, the PSTN connection traces (TIP and RING) routed through the host
system motherboard and any other conductive area (i.e. traces, through holes, SMD
pads, copper areas, etc.) on that motherboard,
which use or generate a voltage shown in the table below
(values only for secondary
EN60950:2000 Table 2K / 2L
Clearance (mm)
Creepage (mm)
Voltage used or
Generated by Host or
Other cards
1.5 (2.4)
Up to 125 Vrms or Vdc
2.5 (4.0)
Up to 250 Vrms or Vdc
3.2 (5.0)
Up to 300 Vrms or Vdc
The larger distances shown in brackets applies for Pollution Degree 3 environments (where
the local environment within the host is subject to conductive pollution or dry non-conductive
pollution, which could become conductive due to expected condensation).
The same clearance and creepage distances also apply between TNV3 areas of the card
and earth connections inside the host system.
RS 232