In order to make sure that the frequency card is perfectly placed, observes that the
connector clips of the main board, holds to the card, and that the lateral polarization ribs of
the connector join with the frequency card holes.
We saw in the operation section, inside the subsection modes of operation, the possi-
bilities of configuration of the crossovers. This section is going to explain how takes place the
modes of operation configuration of the crossover.
In order to configure the crossover in STEREO or MONO mode, there is a
switch inside the unit. This switch is numerated in the components overlay as
S3, and it placing the crossover frontal toward us, is placed at the high left
corner of the unit (we could find it in the components overlay picture). With this
switch depressed the crossover will be configured in STEREO mode, and
pressed it will be configured in MONO mode.
Once we have decided if we are going to work in STEREO or MONO mode, it is neces-
sary to configure the number of ways that we want. In STEREO mode we could configure the
FA-724 in three or two ways, and the FA-524 in two ways:
The FA-724 configured in three stereo ways,
has a BYPASS card at position 4 and 5 fre-
quency cards at positions 1,2,3,5 and 6.
Normally the subwoofer will go overlapped
with the low output, because of what we
should overlap the frequency card 1.
The correspondence of them gone out with
the component overlay of the crossover is
showed in the next picture.
The FA-724, configured in two ways stereo,
has 3 BYPASS cards at positions 3,4 and 6, and
3 frequency cards at the positions 1, 2 and 5.
Normally the subwoofer will go overlapped
with the low output, because of what we
should overlap the frequency card 1.
The correspondence of them gone out with
the component overlay of the crossover is
showed in the next picture. We will also have 2
outputs, HIGH CH1 and HIGH CH2 at FULL