Alpha E-Tec Plus 28 and 33
The boiler has a built in frost protection function to protect the boiler (only) from freezing.
If water within the boiler
falls belo
w 4°C the boiler will fire in heating mode and raise the temper
ature of the heating water (in the boiler only)
to 30°C.
For this function to be activ
e the gas and electricity supplies to the boiler m
ust be turned on and the boiler be in either
'Standby' or 'On' mode
Further protection f
or the mains water supply and heating circuit m
ust be provided separ
If Alpha exter
nal controls are fitted, a frost protection setting is incorpor
ated into the room thermostat activ
ating the central
heating when the temperature f
alls below 5°C
High efficiency (condensing) boilers remove more useful heat from the comb
ustion gases, resulting in additional w
vapour which is collected within the boiler (as condensate) and r
un to a suitable dr
ainage point via the condensate
drainage pipe
Where possible the condensate dr
ain should be connected internally to a w
aste pipe within the property to pre
the risk of freezing.
If the condensate drain pipe r
uns outside it should be fitted with increased diameter pipe and be suitably lagged to reduce
the risk from freezing.
In situations where there are likely to be e
xtremes of temperature or wind-chill the use of a propr
ietary tr
ace-heating system
for e
xternal condensate dr
ainage pipew
ork, incor
porating an e
xternal frost ther
mostat, should be considered.
Current Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations:-
It is the law that all gas appliances are installed and ser
viced by a competent person, i.e
. Gas Saf
e registered
personnel. F
ailure to install or service appliances correctly could lead to prosecution.
It is in your interest and that
of safety to ensure compliance with the la
w. The man
ufacturer's instr
uctions must not be tak
en in any w
ay as o
riding statutor
y obligations
The Benchmark Chec
klist must be fully completed b
y the installer on installation of the boiler. The Benchmar
k Checklist is
shown in bac
k of the Installation and Servicing instr
uctions. All Gas Saf
e registered installers carry a Gas Saf
e ID card and
have a registr
ation number
. Both should be recorded in the Chec
klist. Y
ou can check y
our installer is Gas Safe registered b
calling Gas Safe on 0800 408 5500.
It is a requirement that the boiler is installed and commissioned to the manuf
acturers instructions and the data
fields on the commissioning checklist completed in full.
T o instigate the boiler guar
antee the boiler needs to be registered with the manuf
acturer within one month of the
T o maintain the boiler guar
antee it is essential that the boiler is serviced ann
ually by a Gas Saf
e registered engineer who has
been trained on the boiler installed.
The ser
vice details should be recorded on the Benchmark Ser
vice Interval Record and
left with the householder.