Alpha E-Tec Plus 28 and 33 - Error Codes and Fault Finding
Fault description
Possible causes
Service reminder
Boiler completely
turned off
Boiler fused blown
Service reminder count down (0 - 36 months)
has reached zero
See Section 6.13, parameter P6
Note: E97 is also shown on Climatic controller,
if used
Screen only shows a single dot to indicate
boiler is completely off
Fuse on main PCB blown
Note: The 'Sr' code will not stop the boiler
Note: Pressing the RESET button will clear the
'Sr' code for 24 hrs to allow the display to be
To permanently reset the error 'Sr' / E97
1. Enter the parameter menu using the
password 69. See Section 6.13
2. Parameter P6 will show 0
3. Set P6 to any value above zero, save by
pressing the mode button (
) and wait
for '88' to be displayed as confirmation
4. Then set P6 to 0, save by pressing the mode
button (
) and wait for '88' to be
displayed as confirmation
5. Now set the parameter P6 at the number
of months to the next service reminder
(i.e. 12 for one year). Save by pressing the
mode button (
) and wait for '88' to be
displayed as confirmation
Press mode button (
) for 2 seconds then
release. Boiler display will return and you can
select an operating mode
Incorrect power supply.
Seized or sticking pump - Check pump for free
Boiler component drawing excessive current.
Check individual components in turn