012-527-B2 Rev F
Page 22 of 24 Replacing a CXCI Controller with a CXCI+ Controller
1. Write down the CXC communication information: dynamic or static IP, IP address, and gateway.
2. Connect a laptop to CXC per software manual; standard network crossover cable to Ethernet port.
3. Save the CXC configuration file (see software manual Logs and Files > Manage Configuration File > Save
Full Site Configuration).
4. Save the CXC text file if necessary: Logs and Files > Manage Editable Text Files > Save Dynamic Text File.
5. If applicable, bypass the system LVD:
Locate JP2 on the back of CXCI/CXCI+ system shelf (Figure 11)
If the LVD is controlled on NC contacts (factory default for LVD option), then JP2 pins 1 and 2 must
be shorted together to maintain LVD operation.
If the LVD is controlled on NO contacts, then JP2 pins 2 and 3 must be shorted together.
: bypassing the LVD generates an alarm.
6. Disconnect the DB signal connector from the CXCI at the rear of the shelf.
7. Ensure a converter is in the right-most position. Remove the converter in the left-most position in order to
access the side of the CXCI/CXCI+ where the mounting screws are located.
8. Remove four (4) mounting screws from the CXCI. The first two screws will release the front panel from the
controller circuit board to expose the third screw that releases the LCD circuit board. Carefully remove the
LCD board to expose the fourth and final screw to release the remains of the CXCI (Figure 12).
9. Place the CXCI+ controller module on the shelf bottom (Figure 13) and slide into the rear connector at the
back of the slot.
10. Replace the DB connector on the back of the CXCI/CXCI+.
11. Log on to the CXC and go to
Logs and Files > Manage Configuration File > Upload Site Configuration
and select the saved *.cfg file. After the upload do a
Submit Changes
. Make sure the site information is
checked to save it, and click
12. Go to
Logs and Files > Manage Editable Text Files > Upload Dynamic Text File
and select the saved *.tfg
file. You do not need to submit changes; it is already saved.
13. Use a meter to verify the bus voltage and current shunt. Recalibrate as required due to differences in the new
14. Replace converters and remove LVD bypass.