030-803-J0 Rev B
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CAN Serial Ports
Two CAN Serial ports (modular jacks with offset latches), are provided for communications with Alpha’s Cordex
rectifiers and other CAN-enabled equipment. These are located on the left side of the shelf (as viewed from the
Daisy-chain from shelf to shelf (CAN OUT of one shelf to CAN IN of another) as necessary and ensure that only
the last shelf is terminated. See Figure 5.
CAN Termination
A jumper (or switch depending on your configuration) allows setting of the CAN OUT to be open (to the next shelf
in the system) or terminated. Termination must be enabled in final shelf on the CAN bus only. Access termination
selection (inside the shelf) by removing the leftmost rectifier #1 (MDL 1).
Figure 5–CAN serial ports and termination selection