Subject to change without notice | 83059000gUK – Translation of the original operating manual | ait-deutschland GmbH
4 Operation and care
The unit is operated via the control panel
of the heating and heat pump controller
operating manual of the heating and
heat pump controller).
4.1 Energy and environmentally
aware operation
The generally accepted requirements for energy-
aware and environmentally-aware operation of a
heating system also apply to use of a heat pump. The
most important measures include:
● No unnecessarily high flow temperature
No unnecessarily high domestic hot water
temperature (note and follow local regulations)
Do not open windows with gap /tilt open
(continuous ventilation), but instead open wide for
a short time (shock ventilation)
Make sure that the controller settings are correct
4.2 Maintenance
Wipe down the outside of the unit only using a damp
cloth or cloth with mild cleaning product (washing-up
liquid, neutral cleaning product). Do not use any harsh,
abrasive, acid or chlorine-based cleaning products.
5 Delivery, storage, transport
and installation
Damage to the housing and the unit components
due to heavy objects.
Do not place any objects on the unit which are
heavier than 30 kg.
5.1 Scope of supply
Check delivery immediately after receipt for
outwardly visible damage and completeness.
Notify supplier of any defects immediately.
The accompanying parts package contains:
Set into the styrofoam component
1 supply connection line
28 mm (12 kW) / 22 mm (8 kW)
1 return connection line
28 mm (12 kW) / 22 mm (8 kW)
3 connection pipes to the heating circuit
1 HT-bend DN 40 mm 87°
Swelling tape for louvre grille and blind cover
Package 1:
1 control panel
1 outdoor sensor without cable
3 Spax screws 5 x 45
● 3 universal wall/floor anchor 6 x 35
2 cable ties 3.5 x 200 mm
Package 2:
1 safety valve with manometer
1/2" x 3/4ʺ, 3 bar
Package 3:
● 1 double-nipple 1/2ʺ
● 1 T-piece 1/2"
● 2 ball valves DN 25 with filling and emptying
device, with compression-type fitting
● 1 ball valve DN 25 with compression-type fitting
● 1 fill and drain valve