Step 1
We put the air valve drive from the one side.
Step 2
After, we will must screwed the shaft at the diaphragm.
Step 3
We put PG MOLYCOTE 21 at the center of the bearing.
Step 4
We import the shaft at the bearing from that side where we put PG
MOLYCOTE 21.We push the shaft so that it passes on the other side.
After we do that, we clean the PG MOLYCOTE 21 that has emained.
From the opposite side we install the air valve drive and we have the
diaphragm screwed.
4.4 Assembling Diaphragm installation
Step 5
We put at the pump air entrance, air of 0.5 bar pressure and we see
in which side of the block, the entrance holes at the back of the di-
aphragm are releasing air.
We remove the air. We assemble the housing at that side where the
holes of the valve are releasing air.
We tighten the screws in a peripherical way, one after the other, step
by step, so that the gap that we achieve between housing and cen-
tral block is 1.5 mm up to 2 mm.
You install the air tube at the pump entrance and you turn on the air
at 0,5 bar.
The diaphragm will retreat. Then install the housing and have it
screwed the same way.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4