You should have received two boxes with all the necessary components for your Virta heater. The first is the heater box itself.
Remove the heater from the box and clip the zip tie from the stone grates. Next, open the Xenio control box - this box will contain
the power unit, the digital touchpad, hardware, and temperature sensor.
Note: It is possible you will receive two temperature sensors - one in the heater box and one in the Xenio control box. They are the same
sensor - set one aside as a spare for possible later use.
The Virta heater is a floor mounted unit. It should sit on a level surface, but the feet can be adjusted to accommodate a slight
gradient. Position the heater in the designated heater location in your sauna.
Indoor Saunas
For indoor sauna applications, mount the power unit on or near the sauna. It can be mounted on the exterior of the sauna, or on
an adjacent wall. The main power for your heater will connect here first, and then relay onto your heater. Next, consider where
you’d like to mount your touchpad. You can mount the touchpad wherever it’s most convenient for you. We do not recommend
mounting the touchpad in the sauna itself.
Outdoor Saunas
Neither of these components are waterproof, so proper precautions should be taken for outdoor sauna applications. Please
consider the following:
Power Unit
• The power unit should be mounted in a dry location. If it cannot be mounted in a
dry location, then it should be mounted in a ventilated weatherproof enclosure.
• Please note that the temperature sensor that comes with the sauna kit has a 15’
reach - the sensor is mounted in the sauna and connects to the power unit. If
the sauna is located greater than this distance away from where the power unit
is installed, then the power unit should be mounted nearer to the sauna in a
weatherproof enclosure with proper ventilation. The image on the left is an example
of an enclosure. Alternatively, you can purchase a longer temperature sensor wire
directly from Almost Heaven Saunas.
Temperature sensor
Power Unit