Px 6/2 Expander Installation Guide
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© 2008 Allworx. All rights reserved
Version 03. Revised: May 16, 2008
Page 2
2 Procuring and Installing the Internet Call Access Feature Key
Note: Use of the Allworx Px 6/2 Expander requires connection to an Allworx 6x, 10x, or 24x server. The server
must be running Release 6.9 and must have the Internet Call Access Feature Key installed. Obtain the key
using the following procedure:
1. Update the server to Release 6.9, if it has not already been upgraded.
2. Submit a request for the Internet Call Access key to [email protected] or fax to 585-421-3853.
Request must include:
Name of requestor
Name of Company
Phone number
Px 6/2 Expander serial number
Associated server serial number (e.g. 6x)
3. Once Customer Care validates the request, the key will be sent to the requestor (and to any additional e-
mail address provided by the requestor) with the key information.
If the server has access to the Internet, on the server Admin Maintenance / Feature Keys page, click the
Install button. If the server does not have access to the Internet, copy and past the key into the Key field on
the server Admin Maintenance / Feature Keys page.