Configuring the Knobs, Push Buttons, and Switches
As far as the computer is concerned, FlightPanel™ looks just like a
keyboard. Each knob and switch will submit a unique keystroke to the
computer when turned or pressed.
Simply access your flight sim “keyboard configuration” screen, select the
control you wish to configure, and then turn or press the selected knob,
switch, or button to send the key.
Remember that the red Function Switch on your FlightPanel™ allows each
knob/button to serve two roles, so think carefully about the ideal position of
the Mode Switch as you are making your assignments.
You will likely want to configure more frequently used controls, such as
Altimeter, Landing Gear, Heading Bug, AutoPilot, OBS Rotation, Lights,
Radio Tuning etc with the Mode Switch in its default/off position.
You can then assign less frequently used controls, such as Fuel Tank
Selector, Magnetos, Starter, Transponder Digits, etc to auxiliary roles with
the Mode Switch On.
Note: If you are using P3D or FSX you may need a third party software
such as FSUIPC, in order to configure keystrokes for all of the aircraft
controls. Other flight sim packages, such as XPlane and FS2020 provide
full keystroke mapping without the need for third party software.
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