Preliminary Release
Alligator Communications Model 2788 Technical Manual REV2.3 Copyright © 2019
Page 21
Examples: lgt=300<CR>; lgt=9999<CR>
5.15 Enable Transmitter
The 2788 transmitter can be enabled for normal operation or forced to be disabled by this
et=#<CR> 0 = disable transmitter 1 = enable normal transmitter operation
Examples: et=0<CR> ; et=1<CR>
5.16 Enable Encryption
The 2788 can encrypt data for additional data security. This command selects encryption.
ee=#<CR> 0 = disable encryption 1 = enable AES256 encryption
Examples: ee=0<CR> ; ee=1<CR>
5.17 Enable Password Entry
The 2788 can restrict access by forcing an id and password before access is granted.
ep=#<CR> 0 = disable password entry 1 = enable password entry
Examples: ep=0<CR> ; ep=1<CR>
5.18 ID (Identification Number)
When password entry is enabled (ep=1), this ID must match to gain access to the 2788. The ID is
case sensitive and can be any set of up to 16 characters, including letters, numbers, and
punctuation marks. The default id is “admin”.
id=###. . .###<CR>
Examples: id=<CR> ; id=admin<CR>
5.19 Password
When password entry is enabled (ep=1), this password must match to gain access to the 2788.
The password is case sensitive and can be any set of up to 16 characters, including letters,
numbers, and punctuation marks. The default password is password.
pw=###. . .###<CR>
Examples: pw=<CR> ; id=password<CR>
5.20 ES Encryption Phrase
When encryption is enabled (ee=1), a case sensitive phrase of up to 32 characters including
letters, numbers, and punctuation marks is hashed to a 256-bit AES256 encryption key using
the SHA256 secure hashing algorithm. This key is used encrypt and decrypt 128- bit message
fragments used in the AES256 encryption standard.