Issue 1222
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Electrical Connections
Be sure to check all local codes to determ ine that the unit
is installed in accordance with local requirem ents. Consult
the National Electric Code for wire size requirem ents. Use
C or higher copper wires only. Always provide ground
connections to the outdoor unit. Power supply m ust agree
with rating on unit nam eplate.
Provide line voltage power supply to unit from a properly
sized disconnect switch. Route power and ground wires
from disconnect switch to unit. Line voltage connections
are m ade at the line side of the contactor in the control box
of the outdoor unit. Follow the wiring diagram attached to
inside of the access panel.
Proper circuit protection recom m endations are indicated
on Unit Rating Plate. Tim e delay fuses are required to
prevent blowing due to starting current (the current in rush
when equipm ent starts is referred to as the Locked Rotor
Am ps or (LRA).
Rem ove access panel to gain access to unit wiring.
Extend wires from disconnect through power wiring hole
provided and into unit control box. Flexible conduit is
required for the swing out control box feature.
Connect ground wire to ground connection in control box
for safety. Connect power wiring to contactor.
High voltage power connections to 3-phase m odels is
m ade to "Pig Tail" leads with field supplied splice
Control W iring
The control voltage is 24 Vac. NEC Class I insulated 18
AW G is required for control wiring. For lengths longer than
150 feet, contact your local distributor for technical service.
Ensure the room therm ostat is properly installed per
instructions shipped with room therm ostat. Generally the
therm ostat should not be exposed to sunlight, drafts or
vibration and should not be m ounted on exterior walls.
Low voltage connections should be in accordance to the
wiring diagram .
Typical Low Voltage Connection
Start-Up Procedure
Close electrical disconnects to energize system .
Set room therm ostat at desired tem perature. Be
sure set point is below indoor am bient tem perature.
Set the system switch of the therm ostat on COOL
and fan switch for continuous operation (ON) or
AUTO, as desired.
Adjust refrigerant charge per "Adjusting Charge"
Adjusting Charge
Factory charge is shown on the rating label located on
the access panel.
All units are factory charged for 15 feet of
connecting line set.
Charge should be adjusted for line
set lengths other than 15 feet. For line sets shorter than 15
feet in length, rem ove charge. For line sets longer than 15
feet, add charge. Oil charge is sufficient for all line lengths.
Before final adjustm ent is m ade to the refrigerant charge,
check for proper indoor airflow. Recom m ended airflow is
350-450 CFM per ton
(12,000 Btuh) through a
w et coil
Refer to indoor unit instructions for m ethods of determ ining
air flow and blower perform ance.
Turn OFF electric power before connecting unit,
perform ing any m aintenance or rem oving panels or
doors. More than one disconnect m ay be required to
turn off all power.
. . . .
T he unit cabinet m ust have an uninterrupted or
unbroken ground. The ground m ust be installed in
accordance with all electrical codes. Failure to follow
this warning can result in an injury, fire, or death.
Refrigeration Charge Adjustm ent
Liquid Line Diam eter
Oz. Per Linear Foot
Low voltage wiring m ust be separated from high
voltage wiring.