Issue 1222
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Elevate Unit
Elevate unit per local clim ate and code requirem ents to
provide clearance above estim ated snowfall level and
ensure adequate drainage of unit. Use snow stand in
areas where prolonged freezing tem peratures are
If conditions or local codes require the unit be attached
to pad or m ounting fram e, tie down bolts should be used
and fastened through knockouts provided in unit base pan.
Roof Top Installations
Mount on level platform or fram e 6 inches above roof
surface. Place unit above a load-bearing wall and isolate
unit and tubing set from structure. Arrange supporting
m em bers to adequately support unit and m inim ize
transm ission of vibration to building. Ensure roof structure
and anchoring m ethod is adequate for location. Consult
local codes governing rooftop applications.
Unit m ust be level to within ± 2
(± 3/8 in./ft) per
com pressor m anufacturer specifications.
Clearance Requirem ents
W hen installing, allow sufficient space for airflow
clearance, wiring, refrigerant piping, and service. For
proper airflow, quiet operation and m axim um efficiency.
Position so water, snow, or ice from roof or eaves cannot
fall directly on unit.
W ith proper clearances on sides and top of unit (a
m inim um of 12" on the three sides, service side
should be 24" and 48" on top
On a solid, level foundation or pad
To m inim ize refrigerant line lengths
On brick, concrete blocks or unstable surfaces
Near clothes dryer exhaust vents
Near sleeping area or near windows
Under eaves where water, snow or ice can fall
directly on the unit
with clearance less than 2 ft. from a second unit
with clearance less than 4 ft. on top of unit
Indoor Coil Piston Selection
The outdoor section m ust be m atched to a factory
approved indoor section. It is m andatory that the installer
ensure that the correct piston or TXV is installed in the
indoor section. If necessary rem ove the existing piston and
replace it with the correct piston or TXV. See indoor unit
instructions for details of changing the piston or T XV.
Contact your distributor for accessory piston kits.
The correct piston size is shipped with the outdoor unit,
and also listed in the specification sheet. Do not use the
piston that com es with the indoor unit, unless it m atches
the one listed on the outdoor unit.
Refrigeration Line Sets
Use only refrigeration grade copper tubes. Split
system s m ay be installed with up to 50 feet of line set (no
m ore than 20 feet vertical) without special consideration
(see long line set guide lines).
* Fittings should be supplied by the installer
Do not leave the lines open to the atm osphere for any
period of tim e, m oisture, dirt and bugs m ay contam inate
the lines.
Accum ulation of water and ice in base pan m ay
cause equipm ent dam age.