MANTA Technical Manual
Manta G-145B/C (-30fps*)
*: 30fps model only
Image device
Type 2/3 (diag. 11 mm) progressive scan SONY IT CCD ICX285AL/AQ with
EXview HAD microlens
Effective chip size
9.0 mm x 6.7 mm
Cell size
6.45 μm x 6.45 μm
Picture size (max.)
1388 x 1038 pixels
Lens mount
C-Mount: 17.526 mm (in air); Ø 25.4 mm (32 tpi)
maximum protrusion: 9.7 mm
Figure 24: Manta C-Mount dimensions
CS-Mount: 12.526 mm (in air); Ø 25.4 mm (32 tpi)
maximum protrusion: 5.1 mm
Figure 25: Manta CS-Mount dimensions
14 bit
Pixel format
Only b/w:
Mono8, Mono12Packed, Mono16
Only color:
Bayer8, Bayer12Packed, Bayer16, Mono8, RGB24, YUV411,
YUV422, YUV444, BGR24
Frame rates
Up to 16 fps (* 31 fps)
Gain control
Manual: 0-33 dB (1 dB/step); auto gain (select. ROI)
Exposure time
38 (*37) μs … 60 s; auto shutter (select. ROI)
External trigger event
Rising edge, falling edge, any edge, level high, level low
External trigger delay
0 to 60 seconds in 1 μs increments
Fixed rate control
1 fps ... max. frame rate (steps of 0.1 fps)
Imaging modes
Free-running, external trigger, fixed rate, software trigger
Sync Out modes
Trigger ready, trigger input, exposing, readout, imaging, strobe, GPO
Internal image memory
32 MByte, up to 22 frames
Table 7: Specification Manta G-145B/C (*:-30fps)
Maximum protrusion
means the distance from lens flange to
the glass filter in the camera.
Depending on the used viewer: Raw8, Raw16 may be displayed
instead of Bayer8, Bayer16, meaning the same.
The number of frames (StreamHoldCapacity) depends on resolu-
tion and pixel format. Listed number of frames is typical for full
resolution and Mono8/Bayer8.