AT-30xxTR Multiport Repeater
A bridged network is therefore inherently more fault tolerant, providing
service to many users even when network components fail. This has the
side effect of making it much easier to isolate the cause of the network
fault. Since only a small part of the bridged network fails, this provides a
much smaller area within which to search for a problem.
Using Backup Bridges
The CentreCOM MAC Layer Bridge uses the IEEE 802.1 draft standard
STP to determine the network topology. If more than one bridge is
connected between the same two networks, one bridge will automatically
be designated as the master, and the others as slaves. Only the master
may forward traffic. If the master fails, however, one of the slave bridges
will become the new master and take over forwarding responsibility.
Figure 11: Failure of a Backbone
Figure 12: Using a Backup