Use Instructions
Bounce Variations
Figure 3 shows three variations you can perform in the air. These should be performed at the top of your bounce before
returning to the normal landing position on your feet.
Practice these simple variations and concentrate on perfect form. When you are in position, make sure you point your
toes and straighten your fingers (Pike and Straddle variations). Also make sure you take off and land in the same spot on
the center of the mat.
These simple variations to the basic bounce can be a lot of fun, and are very important for gaining experience in
coordinated movement and balance.
Basic Landing Positions
Once the jumper understands the body placement of the position, the drop can be performed after “priming” the
trampoline mat. Priming is done by bending the knees and pushing down on the trampoline mat several times, thereby
setting the mat in motion. The feet stay in contact with the mat during the entire priming motion.
Seat Drop
To perform a Seat Drop:
From the standing position, prime the mat several times.
Pick up your feet at the top of the last bounce, and sit
down. You should land with your body in a seated
position with your legs straight out in front of you and
your toes pointed. Hands should be on the mat next to
your hips. Fingers should be together and pointed toward
your feet. See Figure 4.
Push on the mat with your hands to rebound up to your
Figure 3 Bounce Variations
Figure 4 Seat Drop