Getting Started with ProcessLogix R300.1
Publication 1757-QS030A-US-P - March 2000
Downloading the Function Block Diagram to the 1757-PLX52
Process Control Module
Use one of these two methods to download your function block diagram to the
controller module.
Method 1
In Control Builder, select “=” from the toolbar to display the Controller
Assignments window.
In the Assigned Modules list box, select FIC102.
Click on Load. Click OK to load the Project Version.
Click on Continue to load the selected object to the CEE.
When the load is complete (status bar at 100%; Load Complete message
displayed), close the Controller Assignments window.
Method 2
In the Project tab, click on FIC102.
From the Toolbar Menu, click on the green down arrow to download the
function block diagram.
Click on Continue to load the selected object to the CEE.
Changing the Controller Execution Environment for the
1757-PLX52 Process Control Module from Inactive to Active
To execute your program, you must change the CEE from inactive to active. If the
CEE is not already activated, follow these steps to change it to active:
In the Monitoring tab, click on CEE0101.
Select Operate
⇒ Α
This CEE and its IOMs and CMs.
Click on Yes to change the state of the selected objects. You see the CEE and
everything listed under it in the tree view under the Monitoring tab go solid